Are Minerals Really Worth It for Livestock?

It is that time of year when the winter is starting to come to an end, and everyone’s pastures and hay fields are starting to green up. It’s time to start putting minerals out to your livestock if you have not already started doing that this year. One of the biggest questions producers ask themselves is “do my animals really need it?” The answer is YES! Minerals are very important for livestock to perform well. Minerals have an impact not only on bone structure, but also on conception rates, can influence weight gain, and hoof health. Before purchasing your minerals this year, you may want to take a look at the mineral tag. You want to make sure your livestock are getting the right amount of macro- and micro-minerals for them to perform at the maximum level.

Some minerals may be overpriced and not even have the recommended amounts needed in them. That’s why it is important to understand how much of each nutrient is needed. For minerals that have fly repellent in it you want to have that early on in the spring if not a couple months before the end of winter. Something else to also keep in mind is some areas are deficient in selenium. If your animals do not have adequate levels of selenium, it can cause poor growth, fertility problems, high mortality rates, etc. Therefore, it is important to purchase minerals that have adequate levels of selenium in it as well.

If you are already having fly problems, you may want to consider minerals with fly repellent in it. When purchasing minerals with fly repellent in it make sure to read the label closely and carefully. Some minerals may be advertised as having properties to keep flies away, be sure to read those claims closely and carefully.